Most people in fact got full marks in one question and zero in the other. 实际上多数人一个问题得了满分,另一个问题却得了零分。
In fact, it raises the question of what took Microsoft so long. 实际上,令人费解的是,微软为什么花了这么多时间才想明白这个问题。
But the fact that the question piques curiosity reveals fundamental changes in the global innovation climate. 但疑问激起好奇心这样一种事实显示出,全球创新环境发生了根本改变。
The matter of fact question was reassuring her. 这个实事求是的问题使她渐渐重新镇静下来。
And you keep ignoring the fact that the question refers to'living'civilisations. 你又才一次忽略事实那就是我们讨论的是现存文明的问题。
To me it seems a fact beyond question that the reign of sin in the world is its fundamental disease. 我认为似乎毫无疑问的事实就是,罪孽主宰这个世界是这个世界的根本的疾病。
It might look a little bit similar to a question we just saw, but hopefully you'll find that it is, in fact, not the same question. 它看起来和我们刚看过的一道题很像,但希望你们能发现,这不是同样的题。
The very fact that we can question it, directs us towards such a thought of the good as is no longer questionable, towards a thought which is no longer opinion but knowledge. 正是我们能对之加以质疑这个事实,把我们导向一种无可质疑的对善的思考,一种不再是意见而是知识的思考。
As a matter of fact, the question of providing for the aged is a social problem closely relating to the factors of economic, culture, politics and population. 事实上,养老问题是一个与经济、文化、政治、人口等多方面因素密切相关的社会问题。
Conviction of an offence under this part or under another Ordinance is not precluded by the fact that the conduct in question constitutes an offence both under this part and under that other ordinance. 有的行根本部和根另一例均成罪行此一事,不妨裁定犯本部或另一例所的罪行。
Whether Jiang Zemin is dead or alive, one fact is beyond question: China's Sina Weibo is the world's best rumor-mongering machine ever. 无论这件事真相如何,一个毫无疑问的事实是:中国的新浪微博是目前世界上最好的造谣机器。
And in fact the question of emotion bears directly on his sense of what books are for. 事实上就是因为他对情绪的疑问,和他对书的看法是密切相关的。
Vice versa, people who do not believe in a fair world might resist worshipping celebrities, and in fact question or criticize the system that produces them and decides who gets to be a celebrity. 反之亦然,不相信这个世界是公平的人也许不会崇拜名人,并且其实他们会质疑或者批判产生这种制度和决定谁可以成为名人的社会。
I know, but this is at least a bullet proof fact, while the other question always rests to a large amount on interpretation. 我知道,但这至少是铁一般的事实,而其他的问题总是需要大量的解释。
The fact that the question of rewriting the law has not been raised in the past few months has prompted speculation in some quarters that the baby may be a boy. 但是在过去的几个月中,修改继承法的事情却无人再提,这不禁引起人们的猜测,认为此次太子妃腹中的胎儿必是男孩无疑。
In fact, this question belongs to all contemporary, those children beginning to miss the root. 其实,这个问题属于所有的当代人,那些开始想念根的孩子。
The summary has introduced CALIS and thematic database establishment, have expounded the fact that builds the choice question of the management software of the storehouse, collection question, index question, data security and the copyright protection, follow-up question of database establishment. 文章介绍了CALIS及其专题数据库建设,论述了建库管理软件的选择问题、数据库资料的收集问题、文献数据的标引问题、数据安全与版权保护、数据库建设的后续问题。
Increases this fact facing the university student psychology question, the university student psychologically healthy education appears especially importantly, also becomes the important content which the universities student works. 面对大学生心理问题增多这一事实,大学生心理健康教育显得尤为重要,也成为高校学生工作的重要内容。
About the accurate ecology small cities management fact main body question, our elementary theory supposes is in advance: The government is the only fact main body. 关于准生态小城镇管理的事实主体问题,我们的基本理论预设是:政府是唯一的事实主体。
The paper introduces a way to solve the fact question by lvm technique on the AIX filesystem 本文阐述如何在AIX文件系统中运用逻辑卷(lvm)管理技术解决实际存储问题的方法
But ecological ethics faces series of problems, the dispute of the fiercest value aspect, in fact it is a question of the foundation of its system depths. 但生态伦理面临一系列的问题,价值层面的纷争尤为激烈的。实际上,这些争论渊源于其体系深处的根基的问题。
It is a fact, which is beyond question, that there is cultural colonization phenomenon in the world today. 文化殖民现象在当今世界的存在是一个不争的事实,学界已有众多研究。
The theories of outside and inside origination on the enterprise competitive advantage in fact correspond to the question of the homogeneity and heterogeneity tentative in the enterprise theory. 企业竞争优势的外生论与内生论其实对应的就是企业理论当中的企业同质性与异质性假设问题。
In fact, the most core question behind these surface phenomena is: what is early childhood education itself and what should be early childhood education. 其实,在这些表象背后有一个最核心的问题,那就是幼儿教育本身是什么与应该是什么的问题。
Furthermore, if based the relation of different subject, aesthetical education in fact involve the question of communication, comprehension, identity between different subjects. 此外,如果从审美教育行为主体间的关系看,审美教育实际上同时还涉及到不同行为主体间的沟通、理解与认同等问题。
These two questions in fact also compromise the question on what urban design praxis actually is. 这两个问题也实际构成对城市设计实践实然如何的研究。
This paper, base on open domain question answering system, focuses on the research of question classification, fact questions answer extraction and definition question answer extraction. 本文基于开放域问答系统,重点研究了问题理解的问题分类技术以及事实性问题和定义性问题的答案抽取技术。
Global warming in the past century is a solid fact without question, which is thought to be mainly induced by human activities in a lot of related research work. 近百年全球气候变暖是不争的事实,而且很多研究表明,人类活动的影响是主要的成因之一。
But, everybody argument is not the fact question, but is a value question. 但是,大家争论的不是事实问题,而是一个价值问题。